Noble Roses: cov lus qhia rau kev saib xyuas thiab txiav - 29 hom tshuaj tsw qab

Cov txheej txheem:

Noble Roses: cov lus qhia rau kev saib xyuas thiab txiav - 29 hom tshuaj tsw qab
Noble Roses: cov lus qhia rau kev saib xyuas thiab txiav - 29 hom tshuaj tsw qab

Pruning roses feem ntau piav raws li kev tshawb fawb hauv nws tus kheej. Txij li thaum nws yog kiag li tsim nyog rau flowering thiab kev loj hlob, noble roses yuav tsum tau txiav txhua xyoo. Tab sis tsis txhob txhawj, qhov kev sib tw no kuj tuaj yeem kov yeej yooj yim nrog cov cuab yeej txiav zoo thiab txoj hauv kev zoo.


Noble roses yuav tsum tau txiav kom txhawb nqa kev loj hlob tshiab, muaj zog thiab kom cov paj ntoo rov qab los rau hauv. Qhov no yog yuav ua li cas lub Noble Rose ua thaum txiav:

  • rejuvenated
  • lub teeb tawm
  • txoj kev mob thiab tuag.

Lub sijhawm

Lub sijhawm zoo tshaj plaws los txiav roses yog lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav. Nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau kev qhia lub sijhawm raws li daim ntawv qhia hnub, vim nws txawv nyob ntawm thaj tsam. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsis muaj kev hem thawj ntawm frosts hnyav. Tab sis muaj cov lus qhia hauv qhov xwm txheej uas koj tuaj yeem siv tau raws li kev qhia:

  • Rosebuds pib sprout
  • Forsythia paj tawg puv

Yog tias cov txheej txheem ntuj tsim tau hloov mus rau hauv daim ntawv qhia hnub, lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav pruning ntawm noble roses poob thaum lub Ob Hlis kawg thiab pib lub Plaub Hlis.

Cov lus qhia txiav

Rau qhov kev txiav ua tiav, nws yog qhov zoo tshaj los ua ob kauj ruam. Nyob rau hauv thawj zaug txiav, luv tag nrho cov tua ntawm sawv mus rau 20 mus rau 40 centimeters. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws, txhua qhov tua yuav muaj li ntawm peb thiab rau buds.


Txoj kev loj hlob zuj zus yog luv rau tsib mus rau xya lub qhov muag, tsis muaj zog loj hlob mus rau ob mus rau peb lub qhov muag.

Hauv kauj ruam thib ob, tshem tag nrho cov tua mus txog lub cev,

  • qhuav
  • tsis muaj zog
  • tuag or
  • boom tub nkeeg

yog. Koj yuav tsum tau tshem tawm tag nrho ib lossis ob qhov qub tua txhua xyoo. Tua cov laus dua peb mus rau plaub xyoos raug txiav tawm ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm cov nroj tsuag. Txhawm rau kom ntseeg tau tias ntau lub teeb nkag mus rau hauv lub hav txwv yeem, qhov tsis muaj zog tua uas hla ib leeg raug tshem tawm tag nrho. Qhov no kuj tiv thaiv kab mob thiab kab tsuag, vim hais tias ob qhov tua tuaj yeem ua rau ib leeg raug mob, thiab cov chaw raug mob sai sai nkag mus rau cov kab mob thiab kab mob.

Txoj kev qhia thiab txiav cov cuab yeej


Kev txiav nws tus kheej ib txwm ua ib nrab ib centimeter saum lub qhov muag sab nraud. Tsis txhob txiav cov tua ncaj, tab sis theej ntawm lub kaum sab xis me ntsis. Qhov no tso cai rau cov dej los nag kom ntws tawm zoo dua thiab qhov txiav zoo dua. Thaum txiav, siv cov txiab ntse ntse thiab huv si kom txiav kom du.


Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem ua qhov txiav kom du, ua qhov txiav dua hauv qab ntawm qhov nqaij ntuag.

Cov txiab huv huv yog txhua yam thiab tag nrho thaum txiav roses. Yog li koj yuav tsum tau tua cov txiab ua ntej txiav, vim tias cov kab mob kis tau sai heev los ntawm cov txiab sawv. Yog hais tias muaj kab mob los yog kab tsuag kab mob yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm, koj yuav tsum ntxuav cov rose shear tom qab txhua txiav.


Pruning yog qhov kev saib xyuas tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau cov roses. Noble nroj tsuag tsuas yog fertilized ob zaug ib xyoos, nyiam dua nyob rau hauv lub Peb Hlis thiab kawg ntawm lub Tsib Hlis. Lawv tsuas xav tau dej ntxiv thaum nws qhuav heev thiab kub thaum lub caij ntuj sov. Tom qab ntawd tsuas yog dej cov roses ob zaug hauv ib lub lis piam.


Thaum ywg dej, nco ntsoov tias tsis muaj dej nkag rau ntawm nplooj, vim nplooj ntub ua rau muaj kab mob hauv cov roses rhiab heev.

Yog li ntawd lub Rose tsim cov paj tshiab, koj yuav tsum tshem tawm cov paj tawg tam sim. Qhov no kuj yog ib qho kev tiv thaiv tiv thaiv kab mob thiab kab tsuag. Nco ntsoov txiav hauv qab lub paj paj, uas yog hauv qab lub paj.

Ntau yam ntawm A rau E

Noble roses tsis tau tsuas yog muaj paj zoo nkauj xwb, tab sis kuj exude ib tug intoxicating tsw. Roses uas tau txais txiaj ntsig los ntawm ADR (Rau Pom Zoo German Rose) yog qhov tshwj xeeb yooj yim rau kev saib xyuas. Cov roses no muaj zog heev thiab muaj txiaj ntsig zoo nkauj. Cov scented noble roses muaj xws li cov nram qab no ntau yam:


  • Paj: ob, 10 mus rau 11 centimeters
  • Paj xim: cherry liab-silver
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 90 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: fruity
  • Special feature: me ntsis susceptible to mildew


  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 12 txog 14 centimeters
  • Paj xim: velvety dark red
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: Pear

Alexandrine (Belle Romantica)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: apricot-cream
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: lemony


  • Paj: ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: apricot-cream
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 90 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Nplooj kev noj qab haus huv: zoo rau zoo heev
  • Special feature: ADR sawv


  • Paj: ob npaug, 9 txog 11 centimeters
  • Paj xim: cherry yellow striped
  • Loj hlob: upright, 100 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: rosy
  • Tshwj xeeb feature: Fragrance siv nws txawv nyob ntawm seb huab cua thiab kev loj hlob ntawm paj

Chandos Beauty

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 7 txog 9 centimeters
  • Paj xim: mos liab
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: Kev saib xyuas hnyav
  • Scent: raspberry thiab spices

Crazy Fashion

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 11 txog 13 centimeters
  • Paj xim: fuchsia rau cherry liab nrog kab txaij dawb
  • Loj hlob: upright, 90 txog 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: Damask roses thiab lemons

Fragrant Jewel (Princesse Charlene de Monaco)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: peach-rosé
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Tshwj xeeb feature: tsis tshua muaj rainproof rau lub teeb ntau yam

Eckart Witzigmann

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: mos liab
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: liab berries thiab txiv duaj

Florence ntawm Elbe (Line Remaud)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: fuchsia pink
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo heev
  • Scent: tshiab lemons, raspberries, apricots thiab Damscene roses
  • Cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb: ADR sawv, cov ntxhiab tsw sib txawv nyob ntawm huab cua thiab kev loj hlob ntawm paj

Ntau yam ntawm F rau P


  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: lub teeb pink
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: grapefruit, apricot, mango and raspberry

Frederic Mistral

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: lub teeb pink
  • Loj hlob: nruj nreem, 100 txog 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: tshiab txiv qaub thiab qub roses
  • Cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb: stems ntev thiab ruaj khov, cov ntxhiab tsw sib txawv nyob ntawm huab cua thiab kev loj hlob ntawm paj

Countess Diana

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: ntshav-liab
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Nplooj kev noj qab haus huv: zoo rau zoo heev
  • Scent: classic rose note with citrus, bourbon geranium, lychee, elderflower, txiv duaj, mirabelle plum
  • Special feature: ADR sawv

Golden Silk

  • Paj: ob npaug, 11 txog 13 centimeters
  • Paj xim: yellow
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: nruab nrab
  • Scent: lemony
  • Cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb: stems ntev thiab ruaj khov, cov ntxhiab tsw sib txawv nyob ntawm huab cua thiab kev loj hlob ntawm paj


  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 12 txog 14 centimeters
  • Paj xim: dawb
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: sweet

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Rose

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 11 txog 13 centimeters
  • Paj xim: ntshav-violet
  • Loj hlob: upright, round bushy, 100 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: sweet-fruity

Madame Anisette

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 7 txog 9 centimeters
  • Paj xim: cream-apricot
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 100 mus rau 150 centimeters
  • Nplooj kev noj qab haus huv: zoo rau zoo heev
  • Scent: Anise
  • Tshwj xeeb nta: ADR sawv, zoo tiv thaiv tshav kub

Mamy Blue

  • Paj: ob npaug, 7 txog 9 centimeters
  • paj xim: mauve xiav
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Scent: txiv qaub, geranium, violet, zib ntab
  • Special feature: heev resistant

Papa Meilland

  • Paj: ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: sib sib zog nqus liab
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: nruab nrab
  • Scent: qub roses
  • Special feature: long stems


  • Paj: ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: dawb
  • Loj hlob: upright, 50 mus rau 70 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: nruab nrab
  • Scent: Gewürztraminer thiab txiv duaj

Ntau yam ntawm R rau V

Pure of Perfume

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: kaj liab
  • Loj hlob: upright, 60 mus rau 80 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: nruab nrab
  • Scent: Rosa Damascena, fruity notes (vineyard peach) and cassis leaf
  • Special feature: muaj zog stems

Repubblica Di San Marino

  • Paj: ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: daj nrog cherry liab ntug
  • Loj hlob: nruj upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: nruab nrab
  • Scent: lemony

Roger Whittaker (pierre Aditi)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: dawb huv
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 100 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: fruity

Ippenburg Castle (Prince Jardinier)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 09 txog 11 centimeters
  • Paj xim: salmon pink
  • Loj hlob: nruj nreem, 100 txog 120 centimeters
  • Nplooj kev noj qab haus huv: zoo rau zoo heev
  • Scent: qub roses
  • Cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb: ADR sawv, cov ntxhiab tsw sib txawv nyob ntawm huab cua thiab kev loj hlob ntawm paj


  • Paj: ob npaug, 10 txog 12 centimeters
  • Paj xim: txiv kab ntxwv-daj
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo

Tresor du Jardin

  • Paj: ob npaug, 9 txog 11 centimeters
  • Paj xim: cream-pastel pink
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 100 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Fragrance: mirabelle plums and pears


  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 8 txog 10 centimeters
  • Paj xim: golden txiv kab ntxwv
  • Loj hlob: upright, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf He alth: zoo
  • Fragrance: Mixture of sweet fruits, exotic fruits (passion fruit and mango)

Velasquez (Belle de Deux Ponts)

  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 12 txog 14 centimeters
  • Paj xim: tsaus pink
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 80 mus rau 120 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: fruity
  • Special feature: resistant rau nplooj kab mob


  • Paj: hnyav ob npaug, 11 txog 13 centimeters
  • Paj xim: cherry liab
  • Loj hlob: upright bushy, 60 mus rau 80 centimeters
  • Leaf noj qab haus huv: nruab nrab mus zoo
  • Scent: heev, muaj zog heev

Pom zoo: