Paj yeeb hauv vaj - txaus ntshai rau miv, dev & Co

Cov txheej txheem:

Paj yeeb hauv vaj - txaus ntshai rau miv, dev & Co
Paj yeeb hauv vaj - txaus ntshai rau miv, dev & Co

Nrog thawj tshav ntuj sov tshav ntuj, Niam Nature awakens thiab teeb tsa thawj cov yeeb yuj accents nyob rau hauv lub vaj nrog nws cov cim ntawm lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias koj faib koj lub vaj nrog dev, miv, thiab lwm yam, koj yuav tsum zam qee cov nroj tsuag. Txawm hais tias lawv zoo nkauj npaum li cas, cov paj thiab cov nroj tsuag qee zaum muaj cov khoom xyaw lom uas tuaj yeem ua rau khaus thiab mob hnyav heev. Tab sis cov nroj tsuag twg txaus ntshai thiab koj tuaj yeem ua dab tsi los pab koj tus phooj ywg plaub-legged tam sim ntawd?

Nkauj hmoob zoo nkauj hauv vaj

Nroj tsuag tiv thaiv lawv tus kheej los ntawm kev noj cov ntxhiab tsw tsw qab, iab saj lossis prickly pos. Tab sis kev ua si thiab kev xav paub feem ntau ua rau tsiaj mus nibble ntawm cov nroj tsuag lom. Vim lawv tsis tuaj yeem paub qhov txawv ntawm qhov zoo thiab qhov phem. Qee cov nroj tsuag hauv tsev twb yog qhov muaj peev xwm txaus ntshai. Seb tus parrot pecks ntawm aloe vera los yog miv sharpens nws claws ntawm tsob ntoo roj hmab - cov tshuaj lom nyob rau hauv ntau yam zoo nkauj. Ntawm lwm yam, nyob rau hauv tshuaj lom ornamental nroj tsuag:

Adonis Roses

  • txhua yam nroj tsuag
  • muaj tshuaj lom xws li mob plawv glycosides
  • cov tsos mob dav dav ntawm kev lom (saib hauv qab) thiab mob plawv arrhythmias tau

Aloe Vera

  • tshwj xeeb yog nplooj
  • Kev noj qhov ncauj, cov khoom xyaw saponin ua rau khaus ntawm qhov ncauj thiab caj pas, nrog rau txoj hnyuv
  • muaj zog laxative effect
  • Irritation ntawm lub raum
  • Symptoms of paralysis and cramps

Amaryllis tsev neeg

  • dos yog tshuaj lom
  • Amaryllis cov nroj tsuag xws li snowdrops lossis Knight's lub hnub qub yog txaus ntshai rau dev, miv, guinea npua thiab hamsters
  • dos muaj cov tshuaj lom lycorine hauv cov koob tshuaj ntau
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom


  • Paj paj thiab nplooj
  • pib ua rau lub qhov ncauj kub hnyiab
  • cov tsos mob ntawm kev qaug cawv, lub plawv dhia tsis zoo, cov leeg tsis muaj zog thiab tsis pom kev tshwm sim tom qab


  • txhua yam nroj tsuag
  • muaj ntau yam alkaloids
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Christ Thorn

  • kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo
  • muaj ingenol esters uas ua rau tawv nqaij thiab mucous daim nyias nyias
  • ua rau kom salivation thiab plab cramps
  • Kev pom kev cuam tshuam tuaj yeem ua tau yog tias nws los rau hauv qhov muag

Christmas Rose

  • Cov hauv paus thiab cov noob pods
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom xws li hellbrin, saponins thiab protoanemonin
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom


  • Cov noob thiab koob tshuaj lom heev
  • muaj cov alkaloids sib txawv
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • Cia li vau thiab ua pa tuag tes tuag taw

Angel Trumpet

  • txhua qhov chaw ntawm cov nroj tsuag, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov hauv paus hniav thiab noob, muaj tshuaj lom heev
  • muaj tshuaj lom xws li atropine, hyoscyamine thiab scopolamine
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • Ua pa nyuaj ua rau lub plawv dhia thiab ua pa nyuaj


  • Stems, nplooj thiab kua txiv ntawm cov nroj tsuag
  • Ntxhais txiv hmab txiv ntoo muaj tshuaj lom heev
  • tsuas yog tsiaj txhu xwb, kuj yog tsiaj txhu muaj kev pheej hmoo
  • ua kua txob mucous
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • Kev noj ntau zaus ua rau tuag los ntawm lub plawv nres


  • txhua yam nroj tsuag
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom digitaloids ntau heev
  • tuag me me vim mob plawv
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • mob plawv arrhythmias


  • Cov noob thiab nplooj raug suav tias yog tshuaj lom heev
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom alkaloid sparteine
  • tshuaj lom rau cov tsiaj hauv tsev thiab pasture
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • cem quav thiab plab hnyuv plab kuj tseem ua tau

Gold Rain

  • ripe noob
  • muaj ntau yam quinolizine alkaloids
  • dab feem ntau ntuav tam sim ntawd
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Autumn Crocus

  • txhua qhov chaw ntawm tsob ntoo muaj tshuaj lom heev
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom colchicine tseem ceeb
  • pib txhawb zog thiab ces tuag tes tuag taw
  • cov tsos mob ntawm kev lom mus txog rau lub plawv tsis ua hauj lwm


  • Paj tshwj xeeb yog tshuaj lom - txawm tias tom qab ziab
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom neeg xws li saponins thiab hydrogen cyanide
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom


  • txhua qhov chaw ntawm tsob ntoo
  • muaj calcium oxalates, uas ua rau cov mucous daim nyias nyias nyob rau hauv lub qhov ncauj thiab caj pas
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Cherry thiab ornamental laurel

  • tshwj xeeb yog noob thiab nplooj
  • Ntsia yuav luag tsis muaj tshuaj lom
  • muaj glycosides ua tshuaj lom nroj tsuag
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • mob hnyav ua rau ua pa tuag tes tuag taw


  • Teeb thiab stigmas txaus ntshai rau tsiaj thiab tsiaj txhuv
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom picrococin, uas tawg hauv safranal.
  • yuav tuag rau luav
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Lily ntawm hav

  • txhua yam, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab paj
  • muaj glycosides
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • Cardiac arrhythmias thiab, qhov phem tshaj plaws, plawv nres


  • txhua yam nroj tsuag
  • muaj tshuaj lom glycosides nerioside thiab oleandrin
  • khaus khaus hauv plab thiab plab hnyuv, tsis xis nyob tshwm sim
  • Heart rate drops, heart failure possible


  • txhua yam nroj tsuag
  • Cov noob tshwj xeeb muaj steroid glycosides
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom


  • dos yog tshuaj lom
  • muaj cov alkaloids sib txawv
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Txoj Hmoo Hmo Ntuj

  • tshwj xeeb yog cov berries
  • tshuaj lom cov khoom xyaw suav nrog hyoscyamine, belladonnan, apoatropin, scopoletin thiab scopolamine
  • Tshuaj lom yog qhia los ntawm aggressiveness, dilated menyuam kawm ntawv, nce nqhis dej, nyob tsis tswm, sib tw lub plawv
  • ua tsis taus pa thiab ua pa tuag tes tuag taw tseem ua tau


  • txhua ntu ntawm tsob ntoo
  • muaj tuliposides, uas ua rau cov mucous membranes
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

Ntxhais qoob loos

Tsis tsuas yog cov nroj tsuag ornamental xwb, tab sis kuj muaj qee cov nroj tsuag muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau peb cov phooj ywg plaub-legged. Cov tshuaj lom ntawm cov qoob loo sib txawv tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev phom sij rau cov miv, dev, thiab lwm yam. Cov nto moo tshaj plaws ntawm lawv yog:


  • Tej nqaij thiab kernel lom rau grazing tsiaj thiab tsiaj
  • muaj cov tshuaj lom neeg tuag taus Persin
  • Txoj kev phem ua rau tuag
  • tsis kho tau

Ntsuab qej thiab qej

  • Yooj yim rau confuse nrog nplooj ntawm lub caij nplooj zeeg crocus
  • tshuaj lom rau nas thiab nees
  • muaj tshuaj lom alliin
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • Circular disorders, circulatory teeb meem


  • muaj cov toxalbumin (cov tshuaj lom cov protein ntau)
  • Main active ingredient Phasin
  • Tshwj xeeb yog txaus ntshai rau nas thiab tsiaj qus, thiab npua
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom

qos ntoo

  • aboverground qhov chaw ntawm cov nroj tsuag
  • Herb muaj cov tshuaj lom solanine
  • qhov no kuj nce ntsuab thiab sprouting qos yaj ywm
  • cov tsos mob tshwm sim ntawm lom
  • qee zaum cov qe ntshav liab tawg

Tomato plant

  • txiv lws suav thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo unripe muaj solanine thiab atropine
  • ntxiv rau cov tsos mob ntawm kev lom, lawv kuj ua rau o ntawm mucous daim nyias nyias ntawm cov tsiaj


  • txiv hmab txiv ntoo yog tshuaj lom
  • cov fungus lawv muaj ua zoo li ib tug neurotoxin
  • lead to instant death


  • toxic rau dev thiab miv nyob rau hauv txhua daim ntawv
  • Cov khoom xyaw ua kom cov qe ntshav liab, uas tuaj yeem ua rau ntshav ntshav


Tswv dej yog qhov tshwj xeeb thov rau koj cov phooj ywg plaub-legged. Yog hais tias qhov no yog enriched nrog chiv, dev thiab miv yuav tsum tau khaws cia tseg thaum watering lub vaj nroj tsuag.

Symptoms of poisoning

Yog tias cov nroj tsuag muaj tshuaj lom tau noj los ntawm cov tsiaj nyiam, cov tswv tuaj yeem paub qhov no los ntawm cov cim hauv qab no:

  • ntxuav qaub ncaug
  • Vim
  • Dab mob plab
  • pab mob plab
  • kev tswj tsis tau lub cev xws li tshee lossis staggering
  • ua pa nyuaj
  • txoj kev hlub tshua txog kev qaug zog
  • Dilation lossis constriction ntawm cov menyuam kawm ntawv

Kev pab ib leeg

Txawm hais tias yuav tsum ceev faj, nws tuaj yeem tshwm sim dua tias dev, miv thiab lwm yam khawb paj qhov muag lossis nibble ntawm cov nroj tsuag tshuaj lom. Ntawm no qhov kev saib xyuas thawj zaug zoo li no:

  • Cia cov khoom seem tawm ntawm koj lub qhov ncauj thiab yaug dej kom huv si
  • Tau qhov chaw hauv lub cev uas tau nkag mus rau cov nroj tsuag lom ib yam nkaus
  • Saib tsiaj
  • Yog tias cov tsos mob tshwm sim saum toj no ntawm kev lom tshwm sim, tus kws kho tsiaj yuav tsum tau ceeb toom thiab sab laj
  • Yog tias muaj cov khoom seem, nqa nrog koj los txheeb xyuas cov nroj tsuag

Ntuj nug nug tau

Cov tsiaj puas noj tau txiv hmab?

Grapes muaj teeb meem rau cov tsiaj nyob rau hauv daim ntawv tshiab thiab qhuav. Cov oxalic acid nws muaj tuaj yeem ua rau mob raum tsis ua haujlwm.

Puas pob zeb txiv hmab txiv ntoo muaj teeb meem?

Cov noob ntawm txhua hom txiv hmab txiv ntoo yuav tsum txwv tsis pub rau dev thiab miv. Lawv muaj cov tshuaj lom los ntawm cov hydrogen cyanide tso tawm rau hauv tus tsiaj lub cev thiab kev faib tawm ntawm tes raug thaiv. Qhov tshwm sim yog cov tsos mob ntawm kev lom neeg uas tuaj yeem ua rau tuag taus.

Tseem paub txog paj yeeb hauv luv

Qee ob peb "kev zoo nkauj lom zem" nyob hauv tsev hauv peb lub zos paj lauj kaub thiab lub vaj. Ntau tus ntawm lawv txawm nrov heev. Qee cov paj uas muaj tshuaj lom tshaj plaws hauv peb lub vaj thiab chav nyob yog:

  • lily ntawm hav,
  • lub snowdrop,
  • lub delphinium,
  • lub tsho,
  • dab dej kub,
  • Oleander,
  • lub caij nplooj zeeg crocus,
  • the khob primrose
  • thiab belladonna lily.

Txoj paj lom hauv peb lub tsev lossis vaj ua rau muaj kev phom sij loj tshaj plaws rau cov menyuam yaus. Thiab feem ntau lom paj zoo li enticingly yeeb yuj thiab exude ib tug qab ntxiag tsw. Tias yog vim li cas nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov me nyuam me, yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo saib xyuas cov paj uas lawv xaiv los ntawm cov nyom! Tab sis ntau tus neeg laus tsis tshua paub meej tias cov nroj tsuag twg muaj tshuaj lom thiab cov nroj tsuag tshuaj lom ua tau dab tsi.

Example: Golden da dej

Lub laburnum, piv txwv li, yog ib tsob ntoo zoo nkauj uas ua rau txhua lub vaj ci ntsa iab nrog nws cov paj daj. Tab sis zoo nkauj npaum li cov da dej kub, nws kuj yog qhov txaus ntshai. Thaum ripe, cov noob ntawm no shrub yog reminiscent ntawm taum nyob rau hauv cov duab. Thiab qhov no ntawm cov nroj tsuag kuj yog cov tshuaj lom tshaj plaws. Txawm tias me me ntawm cov khoom nws muaj tuaj yeem ua rau xeev siab, ntuav thiab tshee. Tseem muaj cov xwm txheej uas noj qhov chaw ntawm cov nroj tsuag tau ua rau tuag. Nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no, ua pa tuag tes tuag taw los yog tag nrho cov circulatory tsis ua hauj lwm tshwm sim.

Example: Foxglove

Lwm tus zoo nkauj, tsis muaj tshuaj lom neeg nyob hauv peb lub vaj yog hma liab. Thiab cov neeg feem coob kuj paub tias foxgloves yog tshuaj lom. Tab sis tsawg leej neeg paub tseeb tias nws muaj tshuaj lom npaum li cas. Muaj tseeb ntau hom thimbles. Lawv txawv nyob rau hauv cov duab ntawm paj, stems thiab nplooj. Txawm li cas los xij, txhua hom foxglove muaj ib yam zoo sib xws: lawv txhua tus muaj tshuaj lom heev. Txawm tias me me ntawm foxglove tshuaj lom tuaj yeem ua rau xeev siab thiab ntuav. Tus mob no tuaj yeem kav ntev li ob peb hnub. Txawm li cas los xij, txawm li cas los xij, yog qhov tshwm sim uas cov tshuaj lom muaj nyob rau hauv lub plawv thiab kev ncig. Lub plawv dhia tsis tu ncua (txog 20 ntaus ib feeb) thaum cov ntshav siab nce. Lub plawv arrhythmias tshwm sim thiab qhov no tuaj yeem ua rau lub plawv nres, piv txwv li kev tuag.

Example: khob primrose

Lub khob primrose yog ib qho ntawm cov nroj tsuag tshuaj lom tshaj plaws. Nws tsis yog rau tsis muaj dab tsi uas nws muaj lub npe menyuam yaus uas tsim nyog: tshuaj lom primrose! Yog tias koj muaj menyuam yaus lossis tsiaj, tej zaum koj yuav xav kom tsis txhob tso lub paj no rau hauv koj lub tsev. Lub khob primrose muaj cov plaub hau me me ntawm nws cov stems los ntawm qhov uas nws secretes muaj kuab lom. Tias yog vim li cas koj yuav tsum tau ceev faj tshwj xeeb thaum tshem tawm cov nplooj wilted, piv txwv li, thiab tsis txhob sib cuag nrog daim tawv nqaij. Yog tias cov kua qaub no nkag mus rau hauv daim tawv nqaij, nws tuaj yeem ua rau khaus, o, khaus, hlwv thiab mob. Cov tsos mob tshwm sim zuj zus txhua zaus koj ntsib nrog qhov zais cia.

Pom zoo: