Tsim thiab teeb tsa koj lub tsev hedgehog - nrog cov lus qhia no

Cov txheej txheem:

Tsim thiab teeb tsa koj lub tsev hedgehog - nrog cov lus qhia no
Tsim thiab teeb tsa koj lub tsev hedgehog - nrog cov lus qhia no

Nrog cov lus qhia hauv qab no nws yuav lom zem los tsim thiab muab lub tsev hedgehog koj tus kheej. Koj tuaj yeem xaiv seb nws yuav yog qhov kev lom zem heev lossis seb nws yuav yog "hedgehog villa" uas tsuas yog cov neeg nyiam ua DIY tuaj yeem ua tiav zoo kawg nkaus:

Hedgehog House No. 1: The Invisible Brick Building

Yog tias tam sim no koj xav tau lub tsev hedgehog hauv lub vaj, tab sis tsis yog tus nyiam ua-nws-koj tus kheej thiab tsis txhob npaj los ua tus nyiam ua-nws-koj tus kheej: Leej twg tuaj yeem tsim lub tsev hedgehog, raws li nws tsuas yog piled. Uas muaj qhov zoo ntxiv ntawm kev txo lub sijhawm tsim kho kom tsawg.

Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia
Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia

Koj tsis xav tau cov ntaub ntawv ntau:

  • 30 cib, tam sim no German qauv qauv (NF), 24 ntev, 11.5 dav, 7.1 siab
  • Ntoo board lossis pob zeb pavement slab ua lub ru tsev, loj dua li hauv pem teb slab thiab tsis ntau loj tshaj tag nrho cov hauv pem teb txoj kev npaj
  • Ev. Base phaj 34 x 36.5 cm
  • Cib-tawm tshuab
  • odorless vov tsev xav los yog ntawv ci
  • Straw, qhuav nplooj

How to build the "hedgehog house sai and easy":

  • Txiav ib daim duab los qhia ntsuas 34 x 36.5 cm ua qhov chaw rau sab hauv
  • Tau qhov chaw tso rau hauv pem teb ntawm qhov chaw xav tau
  • Pib cov cib ib ncig ntawm qhov chaw
  • ntev 7 pob zeb ib txheej, 1 ntawm 4 txheej
  • Qhia cov pob zeb hauv txheej thib 2 offset rau txheej 1
  • Thiab cov pob zeb ntawm txheej 4 raug hloov mus rau txheej 3
Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia
Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia
  • Ntawm cov txheej txheem cib (24 x 11, 5 x 7, 1), 4 yuav tsum tau luv luv ntawm 2.5 cm
  • Lawv yuav muab tso rau hauv cov xim-coded tom qab
  • Tsim nyog kom qhov nkag tsuas yog 10 cm dav (zoo rau hedgehogs, phem rau miv thiab noog ntawm prey)
  • 4 txheej nyob rau hauv qhov siab - lub hauv paus phaj tshwm sim nyob rau hauv kwv yees li 30 cm (xws li mortar), ib tug txaus siab rau hedgehogs
  • Ib lub rooj ntoo lossis lub pob zeb ua pob zeb yog tsim los ua "ru tsev ceev"
  • Txoj kev slab tsis txuas ntxiv rau tag nrho qhov dav ntawm lub pob zeb, uas tsis cuam tshuam vim yog cladding ntawm lub tsev hedgehog hais hauv qab no
  • Lub rooj ntoo tuaj yeem txiav kom loj
  • A 60 × 60 cm phaj kuj ua haujlwm, me ntsis overhang ntawm qhov nkag yog qhov zoo
  • Txawm li cas los xij, ntoo yuav tsum tau impregnated nrog cov tshuaj uas nws tsis hnov tsw tsis thab hedgehogs (saib cov lus qhia)
  • Thaum lub tsev hedgehog sawv, sab hauv tuaj yeem ua kom zoo nkauj thiab xis nyob
  • Straw thiab/los yog nplooj qhuav haum rau qhov no
  • Yuav tsum ua kom tawg thiab tsis npaj kom txog thaum lawv tau txais tib neeg tsis hnov tsw
  • Yog tias tsim nyog, hloov qhov chaw tuav daim duab los qhia nrog lub rooj tsavxwm hauv pem teb, saib hauv qab no
Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia pem hauv ntej saib rov qab saib
Hedgehog tsev cov lus qhia pem hauv ntej saib rov qab saib

Thaum lub tsev tiag tiag lossis "lub tsev sab hauv" nyob rau hauv qhov chaw, qhov tseem ceeb ntawm lub tsev hedgehog los: Nws tau qhwv zoo nkauj thoob plaws qhov chaw uas hedgehog pw nrog cua sov thiab suab rwb thaiv tsev thiab lub tsev hedgehog zoo li me me. ntsuab toj thiab ntuj ib feem los ntawm sab nraum lub vaj ua haujlwm. Ua li no koj xav tau av, nyom thiab moss thaj ua rau thaj, brushwood, tejzaum nws vaj netting los yog luav hlau rau txuas thiab me ntsis kev txawj ntse. Yog hais tias lub toj roob hauv pes zoo li me ntsis qus thaum pib, qhov ntawd yuav tsum tsis txhob thab koj - raws li cov nyom thiab moss loj hlob, tus kheej ntu tuaj ua ke.

Hedgehog House 2: Tus zoo nkauj, xis nyob ntoo bungalow

Lub tsev ntoo no yog qhov kev xaiv rau txhua tus ua-nws-koj tus kheej uas nyiam ua haujlwm nrog lawv txhais tes, tab sis kuj nyiam ua kom tiav ntawm qee qhov taw tes.

Material list:

  • 5 lossis 6 approx. 30 x 30 cm ntoo boards rau phab ntsa, ru tsev thiab tej zaum hauv pem teb, muaj ib kab lus hauv qab no
  • Lub rooj tsavxwm rau lub ru tsev tuaj yeem loj me ntsis
  • Tsev los yog ntsia hlau los koom ua ke
  • jigsaw
  • Tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw vov tsev lossis ntawv ci
  • Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg, tsis muaj ntxhiab dej tiv thaiv glaze
  • Straw, qhuav nplooj

Kev tsim lub tsev hedgehog:

  • Ua kom tag nrho cov boards tsis muaj dej nrog ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg glaze
  • Cia ntoo kom qhuav kom sov sab hauv
  • Pom qhov qhib ntawm kwv yees li 10 x 10 centimeters nyob rau hauv ib qho ntawm phab ntsa boards
  • Qhov kev nkag no tso cai rau hedgehogs los ntawm, tab sis tsis yog miv
  • Koom nrog cov phab ntsa thiab tej zaum cov plag tsev nrog cov ntsia hlau lossis ntsia hlau
  • Tau lub ru tsev thiab ceev nws
  • Lub ru tsev muaj peev xwm protrude me ntsis rau pem hauv ntej, qhov no tiv thaiv tsis txhob ya raws nkag mus
  • Tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob ya raws los ntawm saum toj no, ib daim ntawm lub ru tsev xav tau los yog ib tug tolerable xim zaj duab xis yuav nailed rau
  • Txhim kho hauv pem teb ntawm lub tsev hedgehog tiav nrog straw lossis nplooj qhuav

Yog hais tias lub tsev hedgehog nyob rau ntawm qhov chaw npaj, nws tseem tuaj yeem npog dua, piv txwv li. B. nrog excavation (saib av). Koj tuaj yeem siv bark mulch, straw thiab txhuam ntoo los ntawm cov ceg ntoo zoo los npog; Lub hom phiaj yog los muab kev tiv thaiv ntxiv tiv thaiv khaub thuas thiab tiv thaiv hedgehog los ntawm cov tsiaj xav paub. Nyob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg thiab lub caij ntuj no, ntau nplooj ntawm lub tsev hedgehog yog qhov zoo, yog li lub tsev tsim khoom thaum kawg dhau los ua ib qho chaw zes thiab overwintering.

Hedgehog lub tsev kiag li bricked
Hedgehog lub tsev kiag li bricked

Lub tsev hedgehog no siv sijhawm me ntsis ntau dua li cov txheej txheem cib, tab sis nws nyob hauv qhov kev txwv tsim nyog. Ambitious ua-nws-yourselfers tuaj yeem nrhiav tau cov lus qhia sib txawv hauv Is Taws Nem, suav nrog cov masterpieces mortised nrog cov haujlwm nyuaj sab hauv. Tus hedgehog tsis quav ntsej tus qauv tsim nws yuav tsum txav mus rau hauv, nws yuav hibernate hauv lub tsev cib thiab tseem nyob hauv tsev ntoo, txawm tias koj rov tsim Burj Khalifa lossis Allianz Arena hauv ntoo hauv thaj tsam sab saud. Tab sis nws tsis muaj teeb meem rau nws ntev npaum li cov qauv hauv cheeb tsam qis sib raug raws nraim rau cov kev qhia tshwj xeeb thiab hauv cheeb tsam sab saud nws tsis zoo li tsis ncaj ncees lawm (tsis muaj leej twg yuav tuaj yeem twv seb qhov twg yog qhov txwv rau hedgehogs). Ib qho kev sib cav sib txawv kiag li tawm tsam "cov tsev zoo nkauj" tuaj yeem yog cov neeg qhuas ntawm lub tsev tsim khoom yuav tsum nyob twj ywm zoo li nas kom tsis txhob coj tus hedgehog tawm ntawm hibernation.


Zoo siab ua-nws-koj tus kheej feem ntau xav xaiv ib lub tsev ntoo ncaj nraim vim kev tso cov cib tsis ua rau lawv lub siab nyiam. Tab sis ceev faj: ntoo bungalow yuav tsum tau ua kom dej-tiv taus. Thiab cov xim zoo nkauj nkoj los ntawm hauv qab daus uas koj twb tau muaj kev paub zoo nrog tsis tas yuav tsim nyog rau qhov no. Ntau yam uas muaj nyob rau hauv lub khw muag khoom kho vajtse nyob rau hauv "ntoo tiv thaiv sab nraum zoov" yuav stink rau hedgehog qhov ntswg, yog li ntawd lub tsev hedgehog yuav nyob twj ywm khoob nrog xws li lub tsho tiv no ntawm cov xim (xws li cov khoom nrog ib puag ncig khoom plig). Yog tias koj ua haujlwm nrog ntoo, koj yuav tsum nug qhov chaw nres tsheb hedgehog ze tshaj plaws lossis lub koom haum saib xyuas xwm txheej kom paub seb cov xim twg tam sim no ntawm lub khw twb tau sim ua "hedgehog-friendly". Cov lus pom zoo hauv cov lus qhia hauv tsev feem ntau tsis hloov kho raws li cov kev hloov pauv tas li nyob rau hauv cov khoom siv no.

Qhov chaw rau lub tsev hedgehog

Cov menyuam yaus xav tshuaj xyuas txhua hnub kom pom tias hedgehog puas ua tau zoo - tab sis vim lawv yuav tsum tsis txhob ua raws nraim li qhov xwm txheej, lub tsev hedgehog yuav tsum zoo tshaj plaws muab tso rau hauv kaum kawg ntawm lub vaj (qhov twg ua tau sai sai tsis dhau los ua kom pom tseeb).

Txwv tsis pub nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb tsis txhob xaiv qhov kev nyuaj siab uas cov dej sib sau. Yog tias tam sim no, qhov sib txawv: ib lub roob me me uas txawm tias txoj cai muaj zog tshaj plaws tuaj yeem ntws tawm sai sai yam tsis tau "noj lub hedgehog thiab nws lub tsev nrog nws". Thiab qhov chaw yuav tsum tsis txhob nyob rau ntawm huab cua sab (los yog nrog rau plam ntawm huab cua sab), qhov twg los nag thiab cua yuav tsis kaj siab.

Ib qho chaw zoo muaj kev tiv thaiv los ntawm nag los saum toj no, xws li hauv qab ntoo, hav txwv yeem (uas tseem ntom ntom txawm tias lub caij ntuj no) lossis ntawm ntug ntawm hedge. Nws kuj tseem zoo nkauj zais hauv qab ntoo thiab hav txwv yeem thiab qhov zoo tshaj plaws muab cov khoom hedgehog txaus los ua rau lub tsev hedgehog rau kev cozy.

Nrog lossis tsis muaj qab?

Cov lus qhia kev tsim kho rau cov tsev hedgehog feem ntau muab rau hauv pem teb, thaum hedgehogs nyob rau hauv cov qus yuav tsum hibernate nyob rau hauv lub qhov tsua los yog qhov hauv av yam tsis muaj cov qauv hauv pem teb (uas, txawm li cas los xij, zoo insulated los ntawm hedgehog nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntuj). Cov lus qhia los ntawm German Nature Conservation Association pom zoo kom tso ob daim ntawm lub ru tsev battens nyob rau hauv lub tsev ntawm ob sab kom "tus hedgehog tsis tau nws ko taw ntub". Lub hedgehog tseem nyob rau hauv pem teb padded nrog nplooj thiab straw, tsuas yog tias nplooj thiab straw yog ventilated los ntawm sab. Uas nyob rau hauv lem tsuas yog ib qho tseem ceeb yog hais tias lub hedgehog lub tsev yog nyob rau hauv qhov txaus ntshai ntawm raug dej nyab - tab sis nyob rau hauv tsis muaj ib qho xwm txheej yuav tsum tau ua ib lub tsev hedgehog nyob rau hauv xws li ib qho chaw.

Cov chaw tsim khoom lag luam muaj Hedgehog Ritz (ib hom qhov tsua replica ua los ntawm ceramic) pom zoo muab tso rau hauv qhov chaw ntsiag to hauv lub vaj thiab tawm hauv cov txheej saum toj kawg nkaus ntawm cov av kwv yees.excav 5 cm. Kom txog rau thaum lub qhuav nto tsis muaj nyom los yog nplooj yog tsim, rau hauv uas xuab zeb los yog nplua gravel yuav sprinkled raws li ib tug rwb thaiv tsev txheej. Txhawm rau tiv thaiv cov dej los ntawm kev tsim hauv qab hedgehog qhov tawg, cov txheej hauv qab no yuav tsum tau them nrog straw, quav nyab, ntoo shavings lossis zoo ib yam li txheej cushioning; lub hedgehog yuav tsum nrhiav cov khoom zes ntxiv rau nws tus kheej. Qhov twg ntawm chav kawm xav tias nws tuaj yeem nrhiav cov khoom xoob txaus hauv cheeb tsam. Hauv ib lub vaj zoo nkauj zoo nkauj lossis rau cov tub ntxhais hluas hedgehogs overwintering, lub hedgehog khawb yuav tsum tau padded ntxiv.

Qhov kev tsis sib haum xeeb tau qhib, xaiv qhov sib txawv nyob ntawm cov av thiab ib puag ncig uas twb muaj lawm thiab tej zaum nug lub koom haum tiv thaiv hedgehog hauv zos seb lawv xav tias yog cov av zoo tshaj plaws rau kev nyab xeeb hauv zos. Thov tsis txhob siv Styrofoam ua lub hauv paus phaj, uas insulates zoo, tab sis kuj tseem niaj hnub khawb thiab nibbled los ntawm hedgehog, uas tsis zoo rau hedgehog lub plab txhua.

Thaum kawg, tus hedgehog xav tau hibernation yuav txais ntau qhov chaw; tab sis tej zaum ntau qhov yooj yim ntuj vaj tse tshaj lub palace zoo. Thiab hauv pem teb ua los ntawm cov khoom siv ntuj tsim ib txwm ua rau kev nkag siab yog tias qhov chaw npaj yuav ua kom ntub dej.

“kev tu” ntawm lub tsev hedgehog


Thaum koj tsiv mus rau hauv lub tsev hedgehog, qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev saib xyuas rau ib tug noj qab nyob zoo hedgehog yog cia li cia tus hedgehog nyob ib leeg. Thaum nws sawv hauv lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav thiab tawm mus, lub tsev hedgehog tau txais nws lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav tu: Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj los ntxuav lub tsev hedgehog thaum lub Tsib Hlis, ces hibernation dhau lawm, tab sis lub caij whelping tseem tsis tau pib.

Txhawm rau ntxuav, thov tsuas yog siv cov dej kub uas tsis muaj tshuaj ntxuav, ces cia lub tsev qhuav me ntsis thiab muab cov khoom siv zes tshiab. Koj tus neeg nyob hauv lub vaj tshiab tuaj yeem txuas ntxiv siv lub tsev hedgehog los ua nws cov xeeb ntxwv. Tom qab ntawd yav tom ntej nws yuav tsis yog ib tug hedgehog ua haujlwm rau koj, tab sis tag nrho tsev neeg ntawm hedgehogs:

Hedgehogs muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv lub vaj

Yog hais tias cov menyuam yaus tau thab koj ib pliag, tab sis koj tsis paub meej tias koj puas xav muaj kev lom zem nrog hedgehog, ntawm no yog ob peb nqe lus tshaj li txhua qhov kev txuag ntuj thiab kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig -Kev txiav txim siab:

  • Hedgehogs yog ib pab neeg tu vaj tu tsev zoo heev uas noj tej yam uas ua rau lub vaj cuam tshuam thawj zaug:
  • kab tuag, cab thiab nas, txawm tias lawv tsis hnov tsw qab heev
  • Nkauj xav los hauv tsev, larvae uas xav mus rau hauv chav ua noj
  • Earwigs, centipedes, millipedes, bedbugs thiab dub weevils
  • Hedgehogs tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyiam noj cov yeeb ncuab nyiam ntawm ntau tus neeg ua teb: qwj, nyiam dua rog slugs
  • Tab sis kuj tag nrho lwm cov kab, txhua tus pej xeem uas tau tawm ntawm tes, raug coj rov qab los ntawm tus hedgehog sai sai
  • Vim tias tsis muaj neeg noj zaub mov ntawm cov hedgehogs, cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab zaub hauv lub vaj muaj kev nyab xeeb ntawm lawv

Yog tias ib lub tsev hedgehog raug saws thiab tseem yuav muaj cov xeeb ntxwv, koj tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb ntau txog "kev tiv thaiv cov nroj tsuag lom". Incidentally, hedgehogs nyiam nyob rau hauv lub vaj uas muaj cov yeeb yuj sib xyaw ntawm cov nroj tsuag hauv av es tsis txhob ua kom zoo nkauj raked thaj chaw, cov ntoo tiv thaiv dawb-loj hlob es tsis txhob cog cov ntoo zoo nkauj, thiab me ntsis ntawm "chaotic xwm" es tsis txhob muaj kev txiav txim zoo. Yog tias muaj cov kab qus nrog pawg nplooj, hav txwv yeem, cov ntoo qub, koj tsis tas yuav tsim lub tsev hedgehog rau lawv, tus hedgehog tuaj yeem ua rau nws tus kheej hauv cov vaj ntuj.


Yog hais tias hedgehogs taug kev nyob ib ncig ntawm ib hnub nyob rau hauv Frost es tsis txhob hnov qab lub ntiaj teb no ib pliag nyob rau hauv lub hedgehog tsev, tej zaum lawv yuav tsis tau noj lawv "hibernation hnyav" ntawm ib ncig ntawm 500 g nyob rau lub caij. Xws li cov tub ntxhais hluas hedgehogs yuav tsum tau muab xa mus rau qhov chaw nres tsheb hedgehog ze tshaj plaws kom yug; ib tug laus hedgehog tseem tuaj yeem txav mus rau hauv tsev hedgehog.

Pom zoo: